A friend of mine and his son had a bet before the last Derby, if Hull won, he would have to go to Hulls next game wearing a Hull shirt, if Rovers won his son would have to wear a Rovers shirt at the next Rovers game.
We all know the result, and his son duly obliged. At the game on Friday he and his girlfriend (rovers supporter) where sat in front of us. I noticed during the game how he kept looking around at our fans and as the game progressed how much he was getting drawn in by the occasion.
Well after the game we went our seperate ways but he did say how much he enjoyed the game and the atmosphere.
The next day (sat) we where hearing rumblings of a cross city move, the biggest since Paul Cooke.

and last night it was confirmed, next season he will be going to Craven Park.
After initially walking into the stand on Friday and feeling a bit uneasy about all the red and white shirts

he said he hasn't enjoyed himself at a game of rugby for a long long while.
He realises the stick he's going to get from his mates, but credit to the Kid for making such a monumentous change in allegiance after following FC for over 20yrs.