Quote TheOmen†666†="TheOmen†666†"The actions of cockayne are undefensable and yes something has to be done about it but why start here, why not start with pryce, why didn't we start with raynor, the same could be said about why didn't they start with fc and ban them from the cc, because no definative rules are in place. Untill guide lines are in place, ie what constitutes bans or life bans, drink driving, ones teams player attacking another teams player in a pub, throwing things from hotel room windows or whatever. Yes i feel further punishment should come cockaynes way but unlike hull and raynor i bet it will not be allowed to be kept behind closed doors.'"
The RFL has to make a stand somewhere mate, could be with you bradford, cas and so on but they have to stop the rot . What really gets me the RFL are pushing our game from the heart lands to france and god knows were else, and yet they cant stand upto THUGS in our game, Shame on RFL this is our parent body they lead us to think, and lets not go there with refs .