Through to a final,Can't beat it,But that should never have been a semi final venue,Awful viewing,£12 to stand up,No beer served in ground,Just a crap experience,At least at st Marys the club tried to make it enjoyable,Inside the ground having BBq's,Outside bar etc,Anyway probably a 6/10 performance but job done,Thought Donny were poor,The ref had a brainstorm 2nd half,think they jad 9 sets off 6 on the bounce with a few dubious decisions,For the fans issue,There was easily 70% off that crowd made up off Eagles fans,When we scored more than half off the stand jumped up from were we were standing and we were round loads off Eagles fans,Maybe we could fill a coach to the final

Roll on London and another scalp in this amazing season,It's not all about crowds,Crowds don't win you matches,Halifax take note,Top off the league,Quarter final off challenge cup and playing a rail cup final at your home ground,Not bad I say,We should have come in a taxi,The taxi might need a bigger boot,The trophy cabinet is going to be brimming.