Quote Tony Catsmith="Tony Catsmith"can't help but think they show far too much poop overall rather than the good stuff, anyone on here actually watch the football matches from the GM vauxhall conference or whatever its called these days.'"
they haven't learnt the lesson from the ITV Digital collapse at all
there simply isn't a big enough audience for lower league football to justify paying loads for the rights. Sky have it right by showing a few games a month and not paying loads for the privilege.
same goes for Scottish Football, I'm sure the old firm games get good figures, but i doubt even the scottish care about some of the other games.
they also bought the Fa cup, which is having a big decline, even the final didn't generate that much interest, and England away games of which only the Croatia game was one i'd class as being 'must see'
overall it is a shame though, as i'd hoped that they'd show an interest in the superleague rights, thus creating a bidding war, and we'd get to keep SKY's good coverage but for more money.