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| We can all agree Sunday's Performance was unacceptable. Likewise SM's comments of how he doesn't care what people think.
In essence our team of new players has had pre-season and 4 friendlies to gel. With none of the 4 friendlies consisting of our first choice 13 through injury suspension or otherwise.
If we are to judge SM on Our previous 2 seasons he has the excuse of a below par choice of players.
Therefor I feel it only fair he is judged on this season as a whole seeing a general and steady improvement throughout. Injuries and suspension permitting.
I do feel it slightly unfair that the club and media involved have created too much pre season hype and excitement to gain a higher ticket revenue and fanbase etc wrapping up the pre excisitng fans in the processs.
It's obvious he will be with us until the end of the season and is well liked by those that matter at Salford RLFC.
Therefore further more to getting behind the players I feel we should let up on the MCRAE OUT chants until it can be said the team has had time to "gel"
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| Quote Lyrad Red="Lyrad Red"We can all agree Sunday's Performance was unacceptable. Likewise SM's comments of how he doesn't care what people think.
In essence our team of new players has had pre-season and 4 friendlies to gel. With none of the 4 friendlies consisting of our first choice 13 through injury suspension or otherwise.
If we are to judge SM on Our previous 2 seasons he has the excuse of a below par choice of players.
Therefor I feel it only fair he is judged on this season as a whole seeing a general and steady improvement throughout. Injuries and suspension permitting.
I do feel it slightly unfair that the club and media involved have created too much pre season hype and excitement to gain a higher ticket revenue and fanbase etc wrapping up the pre excisitng fans in the processs.
It's obvious he will be with us until the end of the season and is well liked by those that matter at Salford RLFC.
Therefore further more to getting behind the players I feel we should let up on the MCRAE OUT chants until it can be said the team has had time to "gel"'"
WHAT ?!?!?!?!?
Did you see the game on Sunday ?
Players out of position... Lack of motivation... poor substitutions.... the list goes on. We were the worst team over the weekend, and if that's not a poorly coached team then I'm a Dutchman.
Those that matter like him ? I really don't think so.
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| I would have been inclined to agree with you, but last chance has now gone. Even if we win our next 3 games I wont be convinced that he is anything other than a waste of money, space and time. Im sure wilky wants rid too, he just wont go. he doesnt give a fig.
But... theres not much we can do about it, so I'll still be getting behind the reds tonite!! bring on the salford
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| I'd imagine the coaches and players have been really smarting all week after that performance on Sunday. We could be in for a hell of a shock tonight. Lets hope all the players come out like wild caged animals who haven't eaten for days.
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| Everything has a shelf life and for me SM has reached the end of his as a coach who can get Salford moving forward. We have pretty much stayed the same sort of team during his reign especially in Super League. We are a team lacking any consistancy but occassionally managing to surprise the big teams. Can you honestly say that SM has surprised/shocked/intrugued you with any innovative coaching stratagies. We dont seem to have any moves or surprises for the opposition preferring instead to play percentage rugby. In his defence he has not had the money or squad that other teams have had but you could say that about John Kear or Brian Noble who got teams playing above the level i expected them to be. This year SM has a squad that looks a more experienced and capable of being at least challenging the play off spots. But sunday showed how one well coached innovative confident side like Crusaders (bright new coach) can overwhelm a team that looks out of date and unable to match the intensity and passion that they had. I know its early days but Sunday was a little worrying as we looked unfit and uninterested. Players take some responsibility but we seemed unable to respond to Crusaders tactics. For me that was a lack of ideas as to how to respond. This is not a rant from the heart but he just fails to convince me he is the man to take us forward. Oh well roll on tonight.
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| The best thing the players can do tonight is completely ignor what SM has to say and go on to the field and play there own game. I was so humilliated at Cardiff last weekend, If they follow SM tactics this evening I am fearing the worst (cricket score put past us)
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| I think Exiledred has it right - it's all about sell by dates -
What's interesting is that we have managed to attract a few good players over the last couple of years - Dan Holdsworth, Ray Cashmere and Jodie Broughton being the stand out ones for me - so how was that? Presumably the much maligned Steve Simms, isn't he in charge of recuitment policy? But what that says is that there is talent out there which can be brought in, the problem just seems to lie in the SM coaching, boring percentage rugby which has just achieved nothing for us - pathetic win/loss ratio and numerous cricket scores posted against us.
So, sell by date, shelf life, call it what you will - things need to change starting with the head coach IMHO (but what do I know - I'm just a speccy?)
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| How anyone can defend our coach is beyond me.
He slags us off in a press conference, bores us to tears with his percentage rugby, ruins talent with his so called tactics, babbles $hite on Sky and has the cheek to criticise other teams,admits he does not know what to do... need any more.
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| I've been waiting for someone to defend Macrae's position and at last it's happened. Although such loyalty is commendable, I fear that this is completely disregarding the facts. I don't think 'BLIND LOYALTY' will do us any good.
It is clear to everyone who is passionate about supporting the club that that it's time for SM to go. Very few of us have any respect for the guy at all. When KH got the boot, most of us understood the reasons, but we were also sad to see him go because he did command a lot of respect. He was the kind of guy who led from the front as both player and Coach, a PROPER LEADER. Who can say that of Macrae?
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| Quote Rooted Red="Rooted Red"
It is clear to everyone who is passionate about supporting the club that that it's time for SM to go. '"
Hmm. Whilst I respect the rest of your opinion, I really can't respect this particular comment. To suggest that one's "passion" for the club is measurable by one's dislike for Shaun McRae is simply incorrect.
Like I say, I can respect the rest of your opinion. 
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| Is it all Mcrae's fault? what about the other coaches? do they not have input? Did SM go out and tell our players to knock on? give silly penalties away? miss tackles? Yes what he said after the game was wrong and we've not really played well consistantly but we've pulled off some great wins in the last 2 seasons, does SM ever get a well done for that? no its always the players who get the praise for having a good game, but when the players have bad games like on sunday, its the coach that gets all the flack!
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| Quote Jaymc9="Jaymc9".......no its always the players who get the praise for having a good game, but when the players have bad games like on sunday, its the coach that gets all the flack!'"
At the highest levels in all professional sport, 90% of performance is in the head - that's the coach's job - to get the frame of mind right, to get self-belief ingrained in every member of the team - that's where I think SM has lost it big time