We keep guessing who is going to be demoted from super league with the usual names of wakey cas salford
if they dont get there grounds sorted being the ones and definately one team being promoted.What if a team had already approached the rfl earlier and said they would like to go down a league to sort themselves out.this is my reasons for saying this.
1 Leeds assistant coaches leave to create a vacancy.
2 Brian mac distances himself from the england job.
3 Brian mac announces he is to leave quinns and join Leeds as assistant coach.
4 Quinns owner wishes to cut back on his financial input into the club.
5 Brian mac fears for the future of the Quinns.
Would it be a stupid idea for the rfl and quinns to do this as the expenditure wouldnt be as much hence the smaller input for the owner,the team could probably win more games in the championship which could possibly atract more fans,and hopefully they would be able to use more home grown talent from around the London area so not to damage any good work already done for aspiring rugby league players into the game.
Am i putting two and two together here and making five and reading too much into this or do you think it would stack up.Your thoughts please.