As I type it's 5:30 pm in Vancouver but game day in Leyth.
To the fans in around Leyth, drag every body you can down to LSV and make some noise. You are the 18th man
To the fans around the world, I hope you get to see it on a tv screen somewhere, and join me as I grip the edge of my couch (though I doubt I'll be sat down much).
To the team who pull the jersey on tomorrow, I'm behind you all 100%. Give it everything you've got, tackle hard, watch down the middle and from acting halfback on our line, then don't be afraid to take them on out wide. I know you can do it !
To Derek, the coaching staff, and all the origanization, you have made my dream come true this year. My Dad god rest him, got to see his beloved Leyth in SuperLeague, and he even got to see our first win, first hand, and I was with him. Thank-you one and all. I will be here next season no matter.
Now let's hang on while the lads do the business. This is what sport is all about.
I BeLeighve