Quote Snoopy="Snoopy"Looks like we will see an extra game of the Broncos each season starting this season!
@rugbyleagueontv: Super League announce a new tv deal which includes extra coverage of ALL Catalan Dragons home matches, starting this season'"
One of the few time cant agree with you Frank.
If they want to show more Catalan games I bet they going to work on a deal with French TV over this. As for us I don't hold out much hope of seeing more of us on there, simply because I had a look at the Sky TV guide for the upcoming season of SL, and Sky only covering 3 of our games (not including Magic weekend). I did a quick check and from what I saw Wire on at least 8 or 9 times and roughly 7/8 for Wigan.
Only reason I bring this up is, a lot of people claim that sky want a London team in SL to promote it, well 3 games over a season is hardly promoting it in my book. In fact I'm asked nearly every season by mates why ain't we on TV as much as northern clubs and I have run out of excuses of what to say now lol.
If sky are going to pour this much money into SL, then seem as they have lost most the union games to BT that they use to show on Sat afternoons (blimey you use to get 2 games one after the other) or they have a game on the red button, could Sky not go down this route for SL and have one game in afternoon followed by early evening game or even one on the red button to watch. I may be wrong but just feel that if sky showed a game or two as they did with union more in the afternoon you would get more people watching which could lead to more wanting to see a game.
I just know that when my son played football and use to watch him, in the clubhouse they would have sky sports on and I would say 40 to 55% of the time when the footie finished on sky they leave it on and watch a union game, and the times I heard remarks made about the game they watching (normal stuff of wow that's good or s##t did you see him get hit) followed by why do they have to kick of so much. all I could think is if a SL game had been on they would have not seen the ball off the pitch so much and would have loved the hits.....
I know what I have wrote all sounds crazy, but if sky is serious about SL then why not go down this road. IMHO I feel that when sky showed some much union it was what got people to games and major sponsors to..