I guess I have to introduce meself... I guess my name says it all about where I'm from and my allegiance in the RL-world.
Anyways, I came to England to live with my fiancêe some 7 years ago. She's been a Warior since forever, and wanted to make me "see the light" that is Rugby League.
In 2010, I saw my first Superleague game. It was the Grand Final. My mrs. was at Old Trafford, and since I wwork nights for a supermarket chain, I had to stay at home and watch on telly. I really enjoyed that game, though.
So in 2011, my better half got herself a season ticket. She encouraged me to watch different games with different teams playing, and she hoped I would like the sport enough to start supporting a team. Any team. Well, maybe except the 5times in a row Grand Final losers. I also was able to come and watch 4 Wigan matches, both Hull-matches, the game-in-hand against... Wildcats(?) and the Challenge Cup semifinal played in Warrington. (For those with long memories, Wigan won all 4 games that I was able to attend

I also watched several games on telly. Just about 3 or 4 rounds before end of League season (and start of the playoffs) I had almost made me mind up. Two teams very clearly stood at from the crowd, Warrington fith their speedy and highscoring flare, and Wigan, with the best Defense in SLXVI. Now... the one thing that tipped the scales was something sensational that I found in the Cherry&Whites, but was lacking in all other teams. The one thing Wigan has, that noone else has, not in Superleague, and I've not seen anything alike in the NRL games I've watched either.
So, my reason for going with Wigan over any other team, is quite simple. The Fullback with the number "1" on his back. Some people call this guy "Sam Tomkins." Others call him "the posterboy of Rugby League". And for yet more people, he's the main reason to dread playing against Wigan. Well. One of the main reasons, other reasons are Josh Charnley, Pat richards, Gareth Hock, Sean O´Loughlin, Brett Finch, Thomas Leuluai, Jeff Lima, Harrison Hansen, Lee Mossop... well, you get the picture
And... well. That's me, pretty much. Of course I still enjoy "my" sports, which is mostly performed by people attaching planks to their feet and then play around in the snow. But I've come to love Rugby League, the speed and flare of the sport is really fantastic.
And I'm a member of the Riversiders. I've shaken hands with Amos and Josh ^^