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| Well what do we say about that one, not the referees fault, not the conditions fault as it was the same for both teams apart from one had a long journey to get to their game and it definately wasn't the fans fault. All I can say about that performance is what a load of RUBBISH, what has happened to us. Look at the last 2 seasons we have just had, ok not every game was pretty and we still had the odd thing to moan about but for me the last 2 seasons as seen us make huge strides forwards on the pitch and I have a feeling we are going to be well out of the playoffs and could possibly end up in dog fight at the bottom of the table.
Yes we have 4-6 first team players out injured but at the minute with what I am seeing I don't think they would make a bit of difference, our defence is not up to what it was and where is this expansive play that Marchy has talked about so much and how we were going to see a different style of rugby been played this year because I don't know if its just me but the rugby I'm watching including the freindlies is the kind of rugby we were watching 4 -5 seasons ago. The feeling myself and a few fans had today when I got into the ground was very negative and yes this is only my opinion and maybe a big statement to make but for me the whole heart and everything Keighley Cougars has stood for over the years is now but all gone, the place is becoming an amateur club. I spend a lot of time which a lot of people may find sad scrolling through clubs websites to see whats going on in the world of rugby league and I am repeating myself but we are a million years behind most of our championship rivals. I don't have all the answers and I'm no mastermind but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work it out that the club is doing nearly everything wrong and I will be suprised if there is a fan base left at the end of the season.
Todays attendance of over 700 well I'm sorry but I didn't think there was anymore than 500.
Todays game shows that if we can't compete with the likes of Whitehaven on our home soil then we are in for a very bad season, if we were ar Whitehaven then I probably would have taken that result and been happy but we were very lucky to come away with that result. Ritchie Barnet well I have never been a fan even when JD brought him to the club but he should not wear a cougar shirt again for a very long time, he has no confidence at all, our plays were so predictable with the same kicks in the same direction and why wasn't Whitehaven dropping the ball as much as us.
Very very angry and worried after only 2 games of the season, I don't think I'll be waisting my money next week at Halifax to watch us lose by 30-40pts.
Gonna have a strong drink 
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| All that moaning and if Williams had passed they were kicking to win.
I don't think it was as bad as everyone is making out. Both teams were very even from my view and it could have gone either way.
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| I wasn't at the game today but managed to listen via Jam radio. The commentary on there and from what I have heard from people at the game it would seem to be more positive than Rob's post. I guess it depends on your own view of the game.
It was a game I thought we could win and one wonders at the end of season how much that loss may hurt us. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I find myself looking at the fixture list trying to pick our possible winnable games.
There is a definite negative air around the club at the moment and two losses are not not helping reverse that. Gary describes the current control as "cutting the cloth" but I feel it's getting cut too much.
We're only 2 games in I know, but how far does it go before something has to give. I hope Marchy can turn it around, but what if we are 5 games in and still without a win? I was surprised at his appointment but I would love to know whether this was a rugby decision or a financial one.
Where was Jones today?
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| Right let's put things into perspective, no-one knows who/which team we are playing this season, the championship is on its head with what has happened with the twinning with superleague clubs
Who would have thought cougars would be facing Ady Gardner?
Haven with Gardner and Rooney and a host of other names is not a bad team tirade and we played very respectively, the defence was 100% better and not too dissimilar to last year and the attack was better than anything we saw last year at all!
What game were you watching Rob? What exactly is your agenda here?
I do agree with your comments with regards to Barnett, I don't like to single players out bit he is an absolute liability and can think we are only playing him because we are contractually boo d and it would cost us a fortune bot to play him, Marchy if you read this then please do us all a favour!
Gav Duffy and leatherbarrow played well today as did the Cas players and at times we looked to beplaying really
The weather didn't help us but then it didn't help them either, any other week it may have just gone our way
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| Quote Dominance="Dominance"I wasn't at the game today but managed to listen via Jam radio. The commentary on there and from what I have heard from people at the game it would seem to be more positive than Rob's post. I guess it depends on your own view of the game.
It was a game I thought we could win and one wonders at the end of season how much that loss may hurt us. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I find myself looking at the fixture list trying to pick our possible winnable games.
There is a definite negative air around the club at the moment and two losses are not not helping reverse that. Gary describes the current control as "cutting the cloth" but I feel it's getting cut too much.
We're only 2 games in I know, but how far does it go before something has to give. I hope Marchy can turn it around, but what if we are 5 games in and still without a win? I was surprised at his appointment but I would love to know whether this was a rugby decision or a financial one.
Where was Jones today?'"
Someone at game said he was at a wedding?
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| I think we must have been at different games Harry !
I agree with Mr Terraces comments 100%.
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|  Here we go again with these comments of hidden agenda, true fan, loyal fan oh and an axe to grind. These are all the comments that seem to crop up when ever i post something. I love, care and support the club just as much as the next person and like everyone else on here enjoy coming on here to state my opinion or just to have a bit of banter, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what this site is for. Sometimes I do make mountains out of mole hills but doesn't everybody at some point and yes I also get wound up with some stuff but just because I worked for the club and left doesn't mean that I am plotting anything or have a secret agenda. It is no secret that the directors wouldn't be my first choice of people to sit and have a drink with but I totally respect their decisions that they make with their club and the path they choose to go down with the club. Now this doesn't mean that I agree with everything they do in fact I don't agree with most things but they are the guys putting in their hard earned cash. One thing I will say is a lot of people comment on what they see from the club/directors but I have actually worked closely with these guys and know what type of people they are and seen the way they work and handle things. I will always support and back the club but at the same time I will always have an opinion because that is who I am, if I have something to say I have to say it if it's right or wrong.
What I saw yesterday is what I put in my post and I will stand by that and hopefully in another 5-6 weeks I can openly say sorry that I got it all wrong and Paul March is the best thing since sliced bread but unfortunately I think the Championship could be a step too far for him, I also think that in JD, Korky and Obst we are missing 3 big players and it is showing on the field. This maybe isn't just through them playing but the presence they had on the pitch and how some of the other lads played around them. In my opinion JD was the best coach our club has had since the likes of Phil Larder but at the same time no matter what I think I really hope Marchy can prove me wrong and turn things around.
Hopefully this might make the small handful of people that think I am up to something stop with the petty comments and let me have an opinion just like everyone else, I am not on here to win brownie points or cause trouble.
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| Quote On the terraces="On the terraces"Well what do we say about that one, not the referees fault, not the conditions fault as it was the same for both teams apart from one had a long journey to get to their game and it definately wasn't the fans fault. All I can say about that performance is what a load of RUBBISH, what has happened to us. Look at the last 2 seasons we have just had, ok not every game was pretty and we still had the odd thing to moan about but for me the last 2 seasons as seen us make huge strides forwards on the pitch and I have a feeling we are going to be well out of the playoffs and could possibly end up in dog fight at the bottom of the table.
Yes we have 4-6 first team players out injured but at the minute with what I am seeing I don't think they would make a bit of difference, our defence is not up to what it was and where is this expansive play that Marchy has talked about so much and how we were going to see a different style of rugby been played this year because I don't know if its just me but the rugby I'm watching including the freindlies is the kind of rugby we were watching 4 -5 seasons ago. The feeling myself and a few fans had today when I got into the ground was very negative and yes this is only my opinion and maybe a big statement to make but for me the whole heart and everything Keighley Cougars has stood for over the years is now but all gone, the place is becoming an amateur club. I spend a lot of time which a lot of people may find sad scrolling through clubs websites to see whats going on in the world of rugby league and I am repeating myself but we are a million years behind most of our championship rivals. I don't have all the answers and I'm no mastermind but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work it out that the club is doing nearly everything wrong and I will be suprised if there is a fan base left at the end of the season.
Todays attendance of over 700 well I'm sorry but I didn't think there was anymore than 500.
Todays game shows that if we can't compete with the likes of Whitehaven on our home soil then we are in for a very bad season, if we were ar Whitehaven then I probably would have taken that result and been happy but we were very lucky to come away with that result. Ritchie Barnet well I have never been a fan even when JD brought him to the club but he should not wear a cougar shirt again for a very long time, he has no confidence at all, our plays were so predictable with the same kicks in the same direction and why wasn't Whitehaven dropping the ball as much as us.
Very very angry and worried after only 2 games of the season, I don't think I'll be waisting my money next week at Halifax to watch us lose by 30-40pts.
Gonna have a strong drink
Well you must have been standing with only one fan then, that be"Burleycougar"same comments as such too, I dont even see many negative comments on yesterdays game only between you two, (wonders how much licking is going on  )
I didnt hear or feel much negative comments down at the club.
Only what you thought between yourselves!
As for Marchy, dont judge book by its cover, you have to give it time. unless you think you can do BETTER!!
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| I have seen the vid after and I think there was some outstanding performances. Whitehaven are a good team and we had it there to be won.
Shick never has a bad game and did what Shick does.
I also thought Gav Duffy put on a massive effort.
For shear commitment to the ball and risk to life and limb Danny Lawton was
our best player.
Paul White had to be our most improved player and for that I am glad he
got some recognition.
I also think we took advantage of the new rules with kicks and they
dam near paid off and we had nothing to loose. Pat on the back for
seeing the opportunities.
I think we missed the accuracy in Danny Jones or Killers boot yesterday.
The kicks just seemed out of touch. It is hard for the quick men to accelerate in the sloppy mud to get on to these.
There was also a couple of dropped balls.
Some people may not be aware that they are having to use a new ball this
season and the dimples are smaller if there at all. The reality is that in wet
weather the water stays on the surface and it is a bit like trying to catch a
bar of soap. Even at super league there has been a lot more drop balls due to
Credit to Cougars they also used feet when necessary and despite the quick
ball we had very few errors of fast kicks.
100% better in attitude, defense and adapting to the conditions.
When Mossy, Jones, Pursglove are back I see us climbing that table.
The Cas players certainly did there part in the effort.
Keep the faith.
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| Sometimes this forum really does make me laugh with some of the comments  Its like been in the school playground all over again. I am not going to get dragged into an argument on here with people even though I feel some are wanting a certain reaction from me, I'm sorry I'm better than that. I feel like a stuck record but I am only stating my opinion which is what everyone else does on here, no I couldn't do better at coaching than Marchy and I have never pretended to do so, I like Paul March as I have spoken to him in person a few times last year when he was a player and I was at the ground. This is nothing personal just an opinion, just so you are aware I have a family member that plays for the team along with a lot of good mates and I tell them what I say on here and they don't react like some on here. Its how life works people agree and disagree, the world would be very dull if we all had the same opinion. As for me and Burleycougar just because we agree with each other does that mean somethings going on, I have numerous members on here agree with me and disagree. I feel its you Mystery that needs to chill out, I know what I saw yesterday and if you were happy with that then thats fine but I wasn't. Yes there was good points but unfortunately I could count them on one hand.
The big reality will kick in in 2 weeks time when we face swinton, we shouldn't just scrape through with a win we should beat them convincingly. I really do mean this now and I hope I am completely wrong and then you can all slate me but lets just see in another 4 weeks time how many more are on here moaning about the games. Does that mean we all have hidden agendas and axes to grind.
I wish paul march and the lads all the best and I really do hope we can turn this around but the games I have seen including the friendlies which yes are hard to judge just doesn't give me any comfort. I lost count the number of times you could have thrown a net over the whole of our team, something just isn't right. They've had plenty of pre-season stuff going on, plenty of time to gell. Unfortunately and paul will know this the coaches job is result driven and if the team isn't performing or winning then its paul as coach that has to stand on the front line.
Oh and mystery "move with the times" I bloody wish the club would 
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| I never said you have hidden agendas in any way or form. Everybody has different opinions on any games, but what i am reading on a lot of post which is between you and also Burleycougar is a little slating on Marchy, Yes we have lost JD, Korki, Obst, but home is where the heart is and to them it was OZ. Like I said earlier, "Dont judge the book by its cover" Not all coaches are the same.
I think its the case of being supportive of the players, and coach too. Ive been through other forums, i dont see very much negatives as there is in this forum!
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| Couldn't make the match yesterday but sounds like a poor game, we went to Batley and our defence was a disgrace - it sounds like we were the same against Whitehaven. I don't think you can blame Paul March and also the link with Castleford think he will only be trying his best although would this be his decision or would the directors decide this??
Yes the result wasn't what was expected but we all must stick together and get behind the team for next week as that will be tough
I also don't always agree with Robs post but he as a point I think and people I've spoke to that were at the match were saying the feeling was a bit grim