Quote Khlav Kalash="Khlav Kalash"... are kidding themselves.
Utter garbage Trinity. What the hell have they been working on in training. No set moves. No ideas. Distinctly amateurish in every aspect.
I feel worse after this defeat then the hammering the Farts gave us earlier in the season.
Typical that Trinity save up this performance for when a decent crowd comes. You can be sure with the crap on the field and the rain that anyone new will not be coming back.'"
Still dont think we need a scrum half???
We had no idea today...
I was happy that JK had dropped Gleeson, but then to find out Morrison was at 6?? WTF??
We missed him in the pack...
George should be no where near the super league...
Wigan did play well tho and scored some good tries...
Smith was pants but not to blame...
Charlie looked solid but prob needs a couple more run outs with the reserves...